9.00-9.05: Opening Address
9.05-12.40: Session 1) BEC: microscopic theories,
finite temperature, and critical behavior
Chair: H. Stoof (Utrecht)
9.05-9.50: G. Baym (Urbana): Overview lecture
9.50-10.25: M. Holzmann (Urbana): The transition temperature of the dilute Bose gas
10.25-11.00: S. Morgan (Oxford): Finite temperature excitations in dilute Bose
11.00-11.30: Coffee Break
11.30-12.05: D. Petrov (AMOLF, Amsterdam): Interparticle interactions in quasi-2D gases
and prospects for BCS transition
12.05-12.40: A. Sinatra (ENS, Paris): A classical field method for
finite temperature Bose-Einstein condensates
13.00-15.00: Lunch and Leisure
15.00-18.35: Session 2) BEC: Dynamics, vortices and
low dimensions
Chair: Y. Castin (ENS, Paris)
15.00-15.45: G. Shlyapnikov (AMOLF, Amsterdam): Overview lecture
15.45-16.20: D. Feder (NIST, Gaithersburg): Vortex rings in
Bose-Einstein condensates
16.20-16.55: P. Fedichev (Innsbruck): Dynamics of vortices in BEC
16.55-17.25: Coffee Break
17.25-18.00: L. Santos (Hannover): Solitons and vortices in
two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
18.00-18.35: F. Zambelli (Trento): Rotational symmetry breaking of
a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
20.00: Dinner
MONDAY, 04-06-2001
9.00-12.35: Session 3) Trapped Fermions
Chair: G. Shlyapnikov (AMOLF, Amsterdam)
9.00-9.45: H. Stoof (Utrecht): Overview lecture
9.45-10.20: G. Bruun (Harvard): Low energy collective modes in
trapped atomic Fermi gases
10.20-10.55: P. Torma (Helsinki): Coherence and vortices in
superfluids of trapped fermionic atoms
10.55-11.25: Coffee Break
11.25-12.00: P. Vignolo (SNS, Pisa): 1D non-interacting fermions in
a harmonic confinement: equilibrium and dynamical properties
12.00-12.35: L. Viverit (Milano): Influence of induced interactions on
the superfluid transition in dilute Fermi gases
13.00-14.45: Lunch and Leisure
14.45-17.40: Session 4) Entanglement, squeezing
and dissipation
Chair: M. Rasetti (Politecnico, Torino)
14.45-15.30: K. Molmer (Aarhus): Overview lecture
15.30-16.05: J. Anglin (Harvard): What two-mode models can tell us
about cold bosons beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
16.05-16.40: S. Gardiner (Potsdam): Controlled dissipative BEC
dynamics via a lossy optical cavity
16.40-17.05: Coffee Break
17.05-17.40: A. Sorensen (Aarhus): Spin-squeezing from Bose-Einstein
18.00-19.30: Poster Session (also after dinner, for the tough ones)
20.00: Dinner
TUESDAY, 05-06-2001
9.00-12.35: Session 5) Coherence, nonlinear effects
and computational methods
Chair: G. La Rocca (Salerno)
9.00-9.45: C. Gardiner (Wellington): Overview lecture
9.45-10.20: I. Carusotto (ENS, Paris): Stochastic field methods
for the interacting Bose gas
10.20-10.55: M. Chiofalo (SNS, Pisa): Coherent transport in a
Bose-Einstein condensate inside an optical lattice
10.55-11.25: Coffee Break
11.25-12.00: C. Menotti (Innsbruck): Dynamic splitting and merging
of Bose-Einstein condensates
12.00-12.35: R. Walser (JILA, Boulder): Nonlinear real-time response
of a BEC to perturbations
13.00-15.00: Lunch and Leisure
15.00-18.35: Session 6) Quantum computation and
Chair: K. Molmer (Aarhus)
15.00-15.45: M. Rasetti (Politecnico, Torino): Overview lecture
15.45-16.20: A. Beige (MPI, Muenchen): Quantum computing in the dark
16.20-16.55: R. Burioni (Parma): Bose-Einstein condensation on
inhomogeneous complex networks and quantum computation
16.55-17.25: Coffee Break
17.25-18.00: T. Calarco (Innsbruck): Dynamical and holonomic quantum computation with
quantum optical systems
18.00-18.35: J. Eisert (IC, London): The asymptotic relative
entropy of entanglement
Closing of the workshop
20.00: Dinner