README file for the Vibron triatomic program (vibr3at). * Reference: Comp. Phys. Comm. 74, 164 (1993). J. Mol. Spectrosc. 142, 85 (1990); ibid. 146, 56 (1991). * List of files in the package: (NB! these files are all contained in the self-extracting compressed uuencoded archive package.uu : if you use an unix system, you can download only package.uu , make it executable [chmod +x package.uu] and execute it [package.uu] to get automatically all the files listed below in a subdirectory ./vibr3at/) README this file vibr3at.f the main fortran code: all the algebraic stuff + fit racah.f a tested routine computing Wigner 6-j coefficients vibr3atns.dat data file: operator names for symmetrical case vibr3atnn.dat data file: operator names for non-symmetrical case tinp.dat input file (example for bent symmetrical molecule: H2O) touth2o.dat example of output file corresponding to tinp.dat (for bent symmetrical molecule - H2O) [the following 6 example files regard the linear non-symmetrical molecule HCN:] tinphcn1.dat example of startup input file touthcn1.dat the corresponding output file tinphcn2.dat example of intermediate input file touthcn2.dat the corresponding output file tinphcn3.dat example of final input file touthcn3.dat the corresponding output file * Compilation: To run the spectrum-fitting program one must first compile the fortran code. This code does not follow strictly the f77 standard in many ways, such as: - the use of end-of-line commenting (!) - the enddo structure for loop closing, which is clearer - a few names exceed the 6-character limit - lowcase characters. However, we are confident that your compiler is able to deal with such pretty common extensions. If not... you've better ask your system manager for a less ancient compiler. We have commented out a non-standard extension, the "Variable Format Expression" (i. e. the structure in the format instructions) used twice in the code. If you have suppoert for that you get better output appearance. The racah.f is pretty standard, and should give no problem. The function racah at the end is not really needed by the program, and can be safely removed. The only problem that may arise from these routines is the dimensioning (here 9000) of an array containing log(n!). It limits the allowed values of N1 and N2 in the following way: N1+N2<9000. If it is not enough you can always change this constant (in 3 places). The linking of the objects must be done with some library containing standard linear-algebra routines. In particular, the code should link "as is" with the publicly available LAPACK libraries ( Also the IMSL and NAG calls are included A few easy commenting/uncommenting allow to switch from one library to another. NB! The program assumes that the eigenvalues generated by the diagonalization routine are sorted in ASCENDING order (for imsl2.0 we provide an explicit re-sorting piece of code), but not that the eigenvectors are normalized. A typical compilation command line on many unix systems would look like: f77 -o vibr3at vibr3at.f racah.f -L -llapack -lblas * Runtime: To work properly, the program requires on the default directory the two auxiliary files (vibr3atnn/s.dat) containing a ordered list of names of algebraic operators at disposal. Please, type them to see which operators you can include in the Hamiltonian as a linear combination. It is very recommendable not to change these lists. By default the program vibr3at reads input from the file tinp.dat. If you find it more convenient that it reads standard-input instead, you may just remove or comment the following instructions: open(unit=5,file='tinp.dat',status='old') close(5) The program writes on standard-output informations mainly about the fit and its convergence. All the relevant info, however, is written in the output file, whose default name is tout.dat. We did not introduce a variable file name, for compatibility with the previous version of the program. Please, pay attention not to waste precious data by overwriting them! A second output file is called parguess.dat. It contains the final parameters in the form ready for being put in a new input file. * Input format The format of the input and output files are almost self-explanatory. The only not obvious symbols in the input file are the following: A- the "convergence parameter" : it's the convergence threashold of the iterative fitting loop: the smaller it is, the longer the program goes on iterating the fit, and the most accurate the final result should be; B- the format of each parameter-operator line: it is organized this way: parameter initial guess 1/0 = yes/no fit this parameter 'name of the diagonal operator' 'name of the non diagonal operator' The two names mean that, in general, the algebraic operator will be a product of a diagonal chain invariant multiplied by a non diagonal (Majorana) operator: if we want to limit ourselves only to diagonal or not diagonal operators, it' s sufficient to replace the Majorana operator with a ' ', i.e. a space character. The same possibility is open for a "pure" not diagonal operator, leaving ' ' in the diagonal place. Now we need to clarify the notation used here for these operators, so that you can be able to confront it with the notation you find in both papers in J. Mol. Spectrosc. The operator names collected in the vibr3atnn/s.dat files (for the symmetrical and non symmetrical case) are based on the following conventions: Cn principal Casimir invariant of the n-th O(4) algebra (n= 1, 2, 12 ) CP12 non-analytical Casimir invariant of the 12 coupled O(4) algebra) This operator in the J.M.S. papers is characterized by a upper bar M12 non-diagonal Majorana operator (invariant of U(4)12 algebra) This operator provides the coupling of local modes + sum operation * product operation ^x x-th power of The C12 operator in fact is not the "original" invariant operator Co12 of O(4)12 algebra as in the referred articles, but the special "reduced" combination: C12 := Co12 - (N1+N2+1)/(N1+1) C1 - (N1+N2+1)/(N2+1) C2 which is able to regulate the spectrum of the bending mode without heavily affecting the stretch modes. C- The special combination: 99 99 'end' ' ' is recognized by the program as the end of the list of operators to be included into the fit. After reading it, the program starts inputting the listed experimental levels. D- Notice the differences of the input format of data between the linear (HCN) and non linear (H2O) case. E- The gate for printing the wave-functions is a threshold used for printing only the "significant" components of the linear combination of local states by which an energy eigenstate is composed: if set to 0 the program automatically prints out a convenient minimal set of wave-function components. * Output format The output format is self explanatory. We provide the demo files as a hint to the general technique that the user may employ in fitting his data. The three ordered examples for HCN show a typical history of a fit of a "new" molecular specie, from the beginning. These demo files are meant as examples of a standard fitting procedure. The values of N1 and N2 are computed as described in the article, from the diatom anharmonicities. One starts with only the three fundamentals plus (optionally) the first overtone of the bending vibration. The initial values of the first order parameters are also estimated as described in the article. After a first run, one gets the touthcn1.dat file. The improved parameters (in parguess.dat) replace the first guess, and more data are added, based on the computed spectrum. One can iterate this procedure, putting in more and more data. If it is necessary to improve the quality of the fit, higher order operators may be added into the Hamiltonian. They can be chosen in the lists vibr3atns.dat/vibr3atnn.dat (symmetrical/non-symmetrical case). The "guess" values of all the new parameters should be small but always nonzero. For nondiagonal operators try to start with an initial guess of both signs, and see which sign yields a better local minimum of the fit deviation. * New features of 2001 version: - complete compatibility with old input files; - direct LAPACK / NAG / IMSL compatibility; * Known bugs Yes, there is especially one: the local label of each normal state is not really bullet-proof, especially in high-vibron multiplets. The algorithm to compute it is partially empirical, and, after all, it does work surprisingly well, for dealing with such a fancy task as LOCAL assignations of NORMAL modes! If problems might arise, please contact us! dr. Nicola Manini: dr. Stefano Oss :